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mesothelioma asbestos lawsuit

Mesothelioma & Asbestos Exposure

At Zeidwig Law, our attorneys have seen firsthand the devastating impact that mesothelioma can have on patients and their families. This deadly disease, caused solely by exposure to asbestos, is often preventable. Unfortunately, asbestos companies knew for years that their products could cause illness, but they chose to keep this information hidden, putting countless individuals at risk for developing mesothelioma and other illnesses. Many individuals who were exposed to asbestos in the past are now being diagnosed with mesothelioma and seeking guidance on where to turn for help. We are one of the few firms with the necessary resources and expertise to handle mesothelioma cases, making it as easy as possible for our clients to obtain the compensation they are entitled to. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please do not hesitate to contact our team of attorneys. We will take care of the rest.