Burn Injuries
Victims of fires and other burn injuries may be left with physical and psychological scars, as well as overwhelming medical bills, lost wages, and ongoing pain and suffering. If someone else's negligence caused the burn injury, such as a landlord failing to follow fire safety laws or an employer not following workplace safety regulations, the victim may be able to seek compensation for these and other losses. Insurance adjusters, landlords, and others may try to minimize payouts to burn injury victims, which is why it is important to contact an experienced fire and burn injury lawyer as soon as possible after an accident. A lawyer can help you hold the negligent party accountable and potentially recover compensation for physical pain, medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. At Zeidwig Law, our burn injury attorneys handle a variety of cases, including those involving apartment building fires, workplace injuries, truck accidents and tanker explosions, motor vehicle accidents, electrical cord fires, defective products, locked fire exits, scalding water and pipes, electrical accidents, and recreational fires in hotels, restaurants, retail outlets, nightclubs, and other spaces. These are just a few examples of burn and fire injury claims, as burns can occur anywhere a flammable or hot object exists.